Volunteer OpportunitIES

Wilderness Patrol
Wilderness Patrol volunteers hike our trails and report on trail issues (such as downed trees), perform light trail maintenance (e.g. trim plants so they don’t intrude on the trail), and give directions and other information to visitors. Wilderness Patrol combines some of the duties of docents (below) and trail crew. Training is normally in Spring: let us know if you’re interested in taking part by sending us a message via the “Contact Us” link below!

A docent is a volunteer interpreter: they help visitors understand the Park, and demonstrate a passion for the natural world. Docents often lead guided hikes. Docent training normally occurs in Spring: let us know if you’re interested in the next training by sending us a message via the “Contact Us” link below!

Trail Crew

Rare and Endangered Species Team
Rare and endangered species: We are part of an effort to save the endangered Dudley’s Lousewort. We’re currently working with the Parks and San Jose State University to improve the what’s known about this very rare plant, as a basis for future efforts to save it.

Help staff the Portola Visitor Center!

Campground Clean-up at Portola Redwoods on March 29nd 2023 from 9AM – 2PM.
Sign up at https://www.meetup.com/bay-area-outdoors-volunteering-meetup-group/events/291852776/ (new link to be posted soon!)
Looking for volunteers to help get @portola_rsp ready for the upcoming camping season! Tasks may include raking trails and cleaning campsites, blowing roads, installing and cleaning fire rings, cleaning and painting food lockers, creating slash piles or dispersing debris, and cleaning/sanding/staining tables as needed.
Layered clothing, the park can stay cold. Recommend long-sleeves.
Sturdy footwear
Sunscreen/hats if needed (most of Portola is under forest canopy)
Water for the day (recommend at least a large water bottle)
Gloves (optional, will be provided if you do not have your own)
Eye protection (optional, can be helpful)
Lunch Provided
Contact Us
Get in touch with us for more information on volunteer opportunities.