Current Projects
Portola Redwoods Visitor Center Revitalization Project
After spending a couple of years improving the front porch, we are ready to work on the building itself. Replacement of the roof and weatherproofing / dual-pane windows. We’ve also identified other improvements: electrical work, lighting, a new HVAC system, and an engineering review of the old historic fireplace.

Castle Rock Bridge Replacements (Loghry Woods Trail, Travertine Springs Trail)
Replacing multiple structures to improve safety for visitors.
Front Porch Project
Improving the Portola Visitor Center front porch to provide more amenities and a welcoming environment; adding benches, four planter boxes for a native garden, a new bicycle rack, and new message boards. The benches and planter boxes are even milled from trees from Portola Redwoods State Park!

Interpretive Panels
Skyline to Sea Trail Maps, Slate Creek Trail Camp, Danny Hanavan self-guided brochure.
Portola Redwoods
Improving trail safety and preserving natural resources.

Backpacking Adventures
Offering district-wide backpacking programs for park visitors.
Misc. Park Support (both parks)
Supporting park maintenance teams, interpretive needs, and graffiti abatement programs.

Volunteer Training and Appreciation
Providing Docent and Wilderness Patrol Training, uniforms, and hosting appreciation event.